miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Just listen

You're one of the most amazing people I've ever met. You're one of the people I care the most. It's hard to think that you're so faraway because I really need you here, by my side, holding my hand, laughing with me, singing with me, talking with me..just being here, with me.
But you'll never know this, I'll never tell you and I'll do my best to not let you know this. Why? Because I don't want to be heartbroken, again. I don't want to remain alone in the darkness, again, saying: "Well, no matter what I'll always be there for you", again.
It's better that way, don't you think? Besides, those things really don't matter...even though it may not look like it, we're so much more than regular people. I know it sounds arrogant but it IS true. Why are we so much more? Because we're loyal to eachother and, in one way or another, we managed to defeat everything in life that could come in between us. Yeah, we even managed to defeat death, because I carry you everywhere I go and so do you. When we talk to other people, or just interact with them, there's a part of us that in somesort of way touches them and changes something in them, and so on. There's a part of me in the people that you're in touch with and a part of you in the people I'm in touch with, ever since we met.
But it's hard to remember this when I think of you and miss you...I turn around, wait to hear your voice, just to see your face...but your not there...fuck, where are you?
In overall I'm happy, because something special happened when we met. Something so special that it makes me so sad to not have you by my side...reality bites again.
No, you're not weird. You make me smile and make me truly happy.
Yes, I wish things were different. 
No, I will never forget you and let you down.
Yes, I know I can count with you for the better and the worst.
I hope you know that  no matter what, I'll always be there for you....
I'm no longer in the darkness...pfff who would have thought that you were going to be the one to save me.

But you'll never know...